First, we used the principal component analysis to determine the initial axis of symmetry, and then combined the moment of inertia to further pinpoint the accurate symmetry-axis linear equation. 首先,利用主元分析法初步确定对称轴;然后结合转动惯量法进一步精确定位对称轴直线方程;
In order to obtain independent representations on viewpoint, the three principal axes of the object should be found frm the moment of inertia matrix by computing its eigenvectors. 为了得到独立于观察点的表示,应通过计算惯量矩阵的特征向量确定客体的三个主轴。
These equations most briefly demonstrate the relationship between rotational motion quantity of body and principal moment of force system. 这些方程最简明地给定了物体转动运动量与物体所受力系主矩之间的关系。
A simple method for principal axses and principal moment of inertia of are is presented. 介绍了确定主轴、主惯性矩的简单方法。
Simpler and more convenient evaluation methods are brought out on determining the principal unknown number of displacement method on the frame with rigid member and the moment being nought or not on the frame under concentrated loading at joint. 对具有刚性杆的刚架的位移法基本未知量数目,以及承受结点集中荷载的刚架弯矩是否为零的问题,提出了更加简便的判别法则;
The principal vector and principal moment are the effect of a force system. They guided the whole statics theory system, which makes it simply, fluent and clear in physical meaning. 它以力系的作用量主矢主矩为提挈全部静力学理论的总纲,理论简练,顺畅,物理意义清晰。
This paper analyze three principal parameters to effect the performance of concentric pattern squeeze film damper ( called SFD for short). The three parameters are the retainer spring stiffness S, bearing clearnace C and unbalance moment Q. 对影响同心式挤压油膜阻尼器件能的三个主要参数,即弹性支座的刚度S,油膜半径间隙C和转子系统的不平衡量Q进行了分析。
The paper deducts the formula of principal moment of inertial force system of gyroscope and the formula of its principal moment of inertial force system by its moving force. 本文推导出了使回转仪进动的惯性力偶矩公式及由进动产生的惯性力偶矩公式。
Integrating principal axes method and moment method for 3D objects normalization and recognition 主轴方法和矩方法相融合的三维物体归一化和识别
In such case, it is proved that, for the unique existence of solution, there must be given in addition the principal vector and the principal moment of the external forces on each boundary contour. 在这种情况下,为了解的唯一性,证明了必须另外给出每一边界围线上外力的主矢量与主力矩。
Change of components of inertia tensors in rotation of coordinates and calculation of principal moment of inertia is particularly complicated. MOHR'S CIRCLE AND AXIS MOMENTS OF INERTIA, INERTIAL PRODUCT 其中惯性矩、惯性积的转轴公式以及主惯性轴和主惯性矩的计算尤为复杂,在教学过程中,是学生学习的难点内容之一.莫尔圆与轴转动惯量、惯性积
Principal Projects Moment of Migration 其他重要项目地域迁移与职业生涯发展
Through the analysis of the innovational process of a principal, it make the principal understands his missions and the mechanisms that need to perfect in every moment of the innovation. 通过对校长创新过程的分析,使得校长了解创新各个环节校长的使命及其需要完善的机制。
Simple Method to Identify the Direction of the Maximum Principal Moment of Inertia 判定最大主惯矩的简便方法